Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fords Theatre Receives a Makeover

Fords Theatre in Washington D.C., the site of the assissination of Abraham Lincoln, is to open tomorrow for the bicentennial celebration of the death of President Abraham Lincoln. The theatre has been closed for eighteen months undergoing a complete renovation. The box where Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth can clearly be seen in the left hand corner of the picture above. The American flags are draped in the same way with the picture hung in the middle of them as they were that night he was assassinated.
It is quite humbling and chilling to see the place where such a great man died. The theatres director Paul Tertrault says that more than one million visitors from all over the world come to look over the theatre every year. I wonder if anything is actaully original to the night Lincoln died, such as the flags, floorboards or wallpaper/paint? It is funny that as a people we feel closer to an individual if we walk in the same place they did, or sit on the same chair. Great men are very attracting and Lincoln, in the two hundreth year since his birth proves this.

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