Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Review of hurricane Katrina Recovery Systems

Exciting news!!

New Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has announced a complete review of Katrina Recovery systems.

"An "active directive" to "require specific department offices and components to work with state and local partners to review and assess current plans to respond to significant medical emergencies and address Hurricane Katrina's lingering impacts."" was today issued.

The four main areas of review will be:

1) Public Assistance Projects

2) Hazard Mitigation

3) Co-Location of FEMA and State efforts

4) Housing

I think the most exciting component will be on the issue of housing. The review will decide how well The Department of Public Housing and Urban Development played in providing aid to hurricane Katrina victims. But also how well would they function if a similar disaster would occur in the hurrican season of 2009.
Napolitano is also questioning how best to support those individuals still residing in FEMA housing.

An oral report is due February 10th, with a final report on February 24th.

I am very excited to read this report.

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