Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A new day?

I read an intersting article today on the NOLA website. It was written by a man named Jarvis DeBerry. He is an Africna American gentleman living in New Orleans with his wife.

He begins his piece describing how on the night that Obama was elected President, he was returning from a friends home when he saw an African American gentleman being arrested by the New Orleans Police Department. The rest of this article is very interesting and discusses black peoples potential, etc. I'm interested in the very first part, however.

He wonders as he passes this man being handcuffed what he will be able say in years to come when asked to remember what he was up to on such a special night?

I remember thinking on that night, I hope no one is shot tonight in New Orleans. I hope black people stop killing each other. Please, on this special night, let there be some kind of understanding between brothers in the same boat. Let them realise they have come so far and to kill one another negates all that.

Crime continued...

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