Thursday, January 22, 2009

French Quarter Murder

There are so many out there who feel that New Orleans is a lost cause. If you read the comments at the end of each news item, many, many of the writers suggest you move out of the city. It is so sad.
Over the last few days though, I have come to the conclusion that New Orleans really is not a lost cause. The reason I know this is because the murder of Wendy Byrne in the French Quarter has caused such an outcry. You cannot look anywhere on New Orleans websites and not see it displayed prominently. People are upset. People are shocked and people are angry.
These are not reactions of people who feel there is nothing left in New Orleans. If this were the case, there would be no reaction. People wouldn't say anything. They would carry on with their lives and not be shocked by it. But they are. There is still life in New Orleans. The reaction to Wendy Byrne's murder proves this.

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